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Our health and safety policy

Health and Safety Policy 

January 2023

In accordance with Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, UCAS is required to have a written health and safety (H&S) policy statement, which is specific to the business, setting out the general policy for protecting the H&S of employees at work, the organisation, and arrangements for putting the policy into practice. The company’s policy must be brought to the notice of all employees and be revised whenever appropriate; any revisions should also be brought to employees attention.

Roles and responsibilities:

  • The UCAS Chief Executive retains overall responsibility for implementation of this Policy.
  • The UCAS Executive is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Policy and to lead and promote Health, Safety and Wellbeing 
  • UCAS employees have a duty to cooperate with their employer on health and safety matters and take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by what they do or do not do.


At UCAS we recognise our responsibilities under Health and Safety legislation, and through our policies and procedures we will provide:

  • adequate resources to ensure effective Health and Safety management
  • risk assessments of our work activities where needed
  • adequate control of risks arising from our work activities
  • adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision
  • safe systems for access and exit for employees, visitors, and contractors
  • safe premises and equipment for all our activities
  • equipment to enable all employees to work safely and comfortably in their place of work
  • adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of our people while at work
  • a culture that places importance on the safety and wellbeing of all our employees

In addition:

  • we will do all that is reasonable and practicable to prevent workplace accidents and work-related ill health
  • we will consult regularly with employee groups on matters of health, safety and welfare
  • our management of Health and Safety will be overseen by an internal governance board, meeting on a quarterly basis, and by our Audit Committee to whom we report on a tri-annual basis

This Policy Statement will be reviewed annually and updated, as necessary.


Clare Marchant

Chief Executive