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ucas-link API strategy

Key milestones

  • odbc-link will be decommissioned in December 2023.
  • UCAS has recommended that all odbc-link users migrate to xml-link, which will remain in place until the new ucas-link achieves feature parity.
  • We will be building a new RESTful based link product called ucas-link.


Goals for ucas-link

  • Self-service – to provide the best customer experience, our customers should be able to access a portal providing tutorials and documentation, including onboarding instructions.
  • Flexibility – our APIs should not mimic our underlying systems or structures, they should form a layer of abstraction; treating them this way will offer us greater flexibility to make internal changes and create new features.
  • Language agnostic – our customers should be free to use the technologies of their choice to integrate with our APIs.
  • Governance – our APIs must support our Enterprise Architecture Standards in all key areas, e.g. security, compliance, access control, monitoring, logging.
  • Well-defined – each of our APIs should be independent, so we can change them without impacting others and achieve a high degree of reuse.


Our ucas-link API strategy will focus on three core building blocks:

  • API security – ensure robust security controls to protect against unauthorised access and vulnerabilities.
  • API management – have robust API management to ensure we achieve our goals in an efficient and effective manner.
  • API design – APIs must be well-defined and follow industry standards to achieve ease of use and flexibility of change.