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Careers information and guidance in schools

Careers information and guidance in schools, how it is delivered and where you can go for more information.

What should schools provide?

Independent careers guidance must be provided in schools in England to all year 8 — 13 pupils (12 — 18 year olds).

  • It must be provided in an impartial manner — no bias or favouritism towards a particular education or work option
  • It should explore the range of education or training options — including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways
  • Advice should promote the students’ best interests

How they do it

Schools must provide students with access to some external sources of careers guidance.

This could include:

  • careers fairs
  • mentoring
  • employer visits and talks
  • college and university visits
  • access to careers websites
  • telephone and helpline services

Schools can also have staff providing advice and guidance to pupils.

Face-to-face advice and guidance should be arranged by a school where it is the most suitable for young people to make successful next steps — particularly for students at risk of disengaging from education or training, or those with special educational needs.

Finding careers information services

Schools and colleges in the UK provide careers information and guidance. For further research, try:

England – National Careers Service
Scotland – Careers Services
Wales – Careers Wales
Northern Ireland – NI Direct Careers